Parish Precept for 2017-18

The Parish Council has requested a precept of £4400 for the financial year 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. This is the same amount that was also requested for the previous year (1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017). As the values haven't changed you might expect the percentage change to be nil. However, Council Tax invoices when issued to residents will show the parish element of the charge as an increase and the increase will be 14.2%. The reason for this (apart from adjustments to the Tax Base - a figure changes every year) is that the Parish Council is losing a grant called 'Council Tax Support Grant' with a value of £651.  All Town and Parish Councils in the Cannock District are losing this grant following Cannock Chase Councils decision to withhold it. The effect is that the precept (or money needed to finance the parish councils functions) will cost householders more. The calculation showing how the precept is apportioned between householders is:

The figures for Brindley Heath Parish are:

See also the 'Precept' page of this website (from Finance) which shows how the band D figure is translated to the remaining 7 Council Tax bands.

For more information about Council Tax and the way the charges are calculated, please click on the Chase Matters (Council Tax Special Edition) booklet below. This is the full version of the booklet, not the shortened version that was enclosed with Council Tax invoices.